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  • Writer's pictureNicole Lipps

Leading Organizational Change Compilation

Below is a compilation of the assignments completed during the Leading Organizational Change course. While completing these assignments, I reflected on the the behaviors, vital influences, and obstacles that impact the ability to improve the climate and culture on my campus by creating Student Technology Teams to assist teachers and new students with technology as a part of my Innovation Plan.

My Why

This blog post discusses the shift from traditional learning environments to significant learning experiences in the 21st century, where technology is essential. It highlights the importance of creating student technology teams that allows students to engage in their passion for technology and operate within a bounded environment that thrives on hands-on experiential learning.


Influencer Strategy for Student Technology Teams

Implementing initiatives for change from the top down has no positive impact on student learning. Change must be prescriptive and guided by an organization's core beliefs and values. My innovation plan proposes the creation of a Student Technology Team in my junior high school to improve technology use and campus culture. The vital behaviors of the team include helping teachers with technology, onboarding mid-year new students, and developing leadership skills. My Influencer Strategy outlines six sources of influence and vital behaviors to be addressed to successfully implement the team, including demonstrating empathy, creating how-to videos, sharing success stories, creating incentives, and providing training sessions.


Installing 4 Disciplines of Execution

Franklin Covey's survey of leaders found that the biggest obstacle to achieving goals was the breakdown of execution due to day-to-day responsibilities. The Four Disciplines of Execution (4DX) are designed to help leaders overcome this obstacle.

The 4DX strategy for a Student Technology Team consists of an initial Wildly Important Goal (WIG) to assist 20% of teachers, and the Lead Measures, or most impactful actions or behaviors, include presenting services at PLCs and faculty meetings, checking on teachers during planning periods, and presenting monthly technology tips during Advisory. A Compelling Scoreboard will be created to visually represents the team's progress toward the WIG. A Cadence of Accountability will be established with weekly debriefs to ensure commitment and progress toward the WIG.


Self-Differentiated Leadership and Crucial Conversations

Edwin Friedman's book, "Failure of Nerve," defines a differentiated person as someone who can maintain their own identity while still connecting with others without letting emotional anxiety affect them. To be a differentiated leader, one must be able to control their own anxiety, stand firm when others disagree, and remain connected with others in a meaningful way (Bardwell, 2015). The book Crucial Conversations (Grenny et al., 2022), offers differentiated leaders valuable insights on how to navigate tough conversations, prevent hostile reactions, and diffuse anxiety to keep the conversation flowing smoothly.


Bardwell, Mathew. (2010, November 10). Friedman's theory of differentiated leadership made simple [Video]. YouTube.

Grenny, J., Patterson, K., McMillan, R., Switzler, A., & Gregory, E. (2022). Crucial conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high. McGraw Hill.

Grenny, J., Patterson, K., Maxfield, D., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2013). Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change, Second Edition. McGraw Hill Professional.

McChesney, C., Covey, S., Huling, J., Thele, S., & Walker, B. (2022). The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Revised and Updated: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals. Simon and Schuster.

Sinek, S (2019) Star with why: How great leaders inspire action. TEDXPuget Sound. A.



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