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  • Writer's pictureNicole Lipps

Contributions to Learning EDLD 3515 and 5320

The past year has flown by, and I have now completed my Master of Education in Applied Digital Learning from Lamar University. During the second half of the Spring semester, I was enrolled in EDLD 5315, Assessing Digital Learning, and EDLD 5320, Synthesis of Applied Digital Learning Capstone. I am proud of myself for all I have accomplished over the last 12 months.

Collaborative Group

I want to thank Sarra Jackson, Stacey Millison, and Cynthia Thomas for always providing excellent feedback and great conversations. These ladies were always a text away during the day or at night. We shared our Action Research Outlines and Capstone synthesis. Whenever there was confusion and the need for clarification, we often shared screenshots of assignments, Zoom meetings, or graphics from the web. It was great to be part of a group comprising fellow students who were consistently engaged in the coursework. I hope that we continue supporting each other long after the ADL program is over.

Click here for My Collaborator's Blog Post to learn about their innovation plans.

Zoom Meetings

At the start of the Fall session, I contracted COVID-19 for the first time. My recovery was tough, and it took me three weeks before I had enough energy to accomplish anything after my teaching responsibilities were done for the day. Luckily, except for a couple of discussion posts, I could get my assignments turned in on time.

I attended some Zoom meetings. However, in previous courses, I found that watching the Zoom meeting the following morning was better. I was more focused and could pause the video to make notes and jot down my thoughts and reflections. Although I missed being a part of the live Zoom meetings, giving myself time to recover in the evening allowed me to maintain balance and remain an influential teacher and a productive student. While watching the videos, it was nice seeing my peers, but also nice to see what the professors were working on outside of Lamar.

Assignments and Discussions

I enjoyed having discussions with my peers, even though they were not in my collaborative group. I have recognized many of the names and faces over the last 12 months, and I have seen many interesting innovation plans.

In both EDLD 5315 and 5320, I completed all required assignments and material except for a couple of discussion posts while recovering from COVID-19. I met or exceeded all deadlines, and I incorporated feedback from my collaborative groups into my work.

Accelerated Applied Digital Learning (ADL)

In EDLD 5315, Assessing Digital Learning, I enjoyed researching the concept and history of reverse mentoring. I was particularly interested in the potential of reverse mentoring to support the professional development of teachers as technology continues to play an increasingly important role in education. I am excited to have the opportunity to test out reverse mentoring in my Action Research during the tech playground, where Emergent Bilingual and Dyslexia students will train teachers to use digital tools that could help them be more successful in the classroom. I believe that reverse mentoring has the potential to benefit both students and teachers alike. Students can develop their leadership and communication skills, while teachers can gain valuable insights into the latest digital technologies and how to use them to support their students' learning. My research on reverse mentoring was so engaging that I actually ran out of time for my literature review.

EDLD 5320, Synthesis of Applied Digital Learning Capstone, allowed me to review my work and the media and writings I consumed during the accelerated master's program. I was pleased to see how my knowledge and capabilities had grown over the past 12 months. I was proud of the projects I had completed and the contributions I had made to my collaborative groups. I was also grateful for the opportunity to learn from my peers and instructors. The reflection process also helped me to identify areas where I could continue to grow. I realized that I wanted to learn more about specific digital tools and technologies, as well as how to use them to design and implement effective learning experiences. I also realized that I wanted to develop my skills in mentoring and coaching other educators.

The courses in the Applied Digital Learning program have allowed me to challenge myself and share my knowledge with others. I have grown a lot and can now accomplish tasks faster and with more confidence. I am still working on stepping outside my comfort zone by sharing and collaborating more. I have a growth mindset, which means that I believe that I can continue to learn and grow throughout my life. This is a valuable mindset to have, as it will help me to continue to develop and succeed in my career and personal life.



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