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  • Writer's pictureNicole Lipps

I wanted to take just a moment to thank Sarra Jackson, Stacey Millison, Chantilly Sweet, and Cynthia Thomas for providing excellent feedback, timely clarifications, and great discussions. It was great to be part of a group comprised of fellow students who were always consistent and engaged in the coursework. I look forward to our continued collaboration.

Please take look at their ePortfolios and Innovation Plans.

Sarra Jackson's innovation plan is implementing ePortfolios in the classroom for middle school students. Click here to visit Sarra's ePortfolio.

Stacey Millison innovation plan is students will creating an e-Portfolio in 9th grade and continue to compile artifacts throughout their high school career. Click here to visit Stacey's ePortfolio.

Chantilly Sweet innovation plan is taking advantage of her district's 1:1 Chromebook environment through the implementation of blended learning. Click here to see Chantilly's ePortfolio.

Cynthia Thomas' innovation plan is creating blended learning opportunities for students. Click here to visit Cynthia's ePortfolio.

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